BP 2345: Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings

There will be a time at each regular Board of Education meeting for the general public to address the Board of Education in person regarding items not on the agenda. Oral testimony may also be submitted by telephone, video, or other electronic or virtual means when it is reasonably possible for the Board of Education to provide these options.

Members of the public also may submit written communications, including by email or other electronic means, to the Board of Education on items on the agenda or speak to agenda items at the Board of Education meeting.  Written communication regarding items on the Board of Education's agenda should reach the office of the President not later than one calendar days prior to the meeting at which the matter concerned is to be before the Board of Education so that the Board of Education is able to consider the submitted testimony in a timely manner.  All such written communications shall be dated and signed by the author, and shall contain the residence or business address of the author and the author's organizational affiliation, if any. 

Claims for damages are not considered communications to the Board of Education under this policy, but shall be submitted to Mt. Hood Community College. 

Adopted: 3/8/06

Revised: 9/14/16

References: ORS 192.630, ORS 192.670