Students sitting at a desk in a classroom Group of students sitting at a table in the student union

Multicultural and Diversity Resource Center

The Multicultural and Diversity Resource Center (MDRC) is a welcoming and inclusive learning community where we value and celebrate different identities. Our goal is to foster a sense of belonging for everyone at MHCC.

Different people across time have been marginalized. We know and acknowledge this, so we work to remove systems of oppression through educational programs and by giving support to those who face barriers. We work for social justice.

About the MDRC

The MDRC values and celebrates individual identities, fostering a sense of community among all members of MHCC. Our work is rooted in social justice. We work to dismantle systems of oppression by having a variety of educational programs and intentionally supporting communities facing systemic barriers. We work to create an environment within the MDRC where people of all backgrounds feel safer, more comfortable, and empowered to be their most authentic selves, acknowledging and respecting that each member of our community is on their own personal journey toward identity development.

The MDRC was created in 2013. It came to life through a partnership between the Associated Students of Mt. Hood Community College (ASMHCC) and the MHCC administration.

MDRC puts on events and activities and maintains an intercultural library. These resources are meant to encourage conversation and learning about different subjects. These include diversity, inclusion, power, unfairness, and privilege. The discussions are relevant on campus, in the community, in our country, and around the world.

All MHCC teachers, students, staff, and community members can use the MDRC. The center can help enhance your education, professional goals, and personal growth. This is achieved by learning about different viewpoints through critical thinking. You can also learn about the college's support services and community resources.

Signature Programs and Leadership Opportunities

The MDRC provides opportunities to develop leadership skills and engage on campus. Come join us to build community with other students, staff, faculty, and community members.

Join the MDRC

Get Involved

There are many ways for students and community members to get involved in the advancement of social justice on campus at MHCC. 

Get Involved 

MDRC Contact Information

If you're ready to take the next step, call visit the MDRC on the Gresham Campus in the student union, Room AC1050, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m - 5 p.m. Or contact our multicultural and diversity programs coordinator.

Ernesto Vasquez III

Multicultural and Diversity Programs Coordinator