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BP 2715: Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice

The Board of Education maintains high standards of ethical conduct for its members.  Members of the Board of Education are responsible to: 

  • Act only in the best interests of the entire community. 
  • Ensure public input into board deliberations; adhering to the law and spirit of the open meeting laws and regulations. 
  • Prevent conflicts of interest and the perception of conflicts of interest. 
  • Exercise authority only as a Board. 
  • Use appropriate channels of communication. 
  • Respect others; acting with civility. 
  • Be informed about the college(s), educational issues, and responsibilities of Board membership. 
  • Devote adequate time to board work, including preparing for Board deliberations by reviewing the agenda and materials prior to meetings. 
  • Maintain confidentiality of executive sessions.  

All Board of Education members are expected to maintain the highest standards of conduct and ethical behavior and to adhere to the Board’s Code of Ethics.  The Board of Education will be prepared to investigate the factual basis behind any charge or complaint of Board member misconduct.  A Board of Education member may be subject to a resolution of censure by the Board of Education should it be determined that trustee misconduct has occurred.  Censure is an official expression of disapproval passed by the Board. 

A complaint of Board of Education member misconduct will be referred to an ad hoc committee composed of three Board of Education members not subject to the complaint.  In a manner deemed appropriate by the committee, a fact finding process shall be initiated and completed within a reasonable period of time to determine the validity of the complaint.  The committee shall be guided in its inquiry by the standards set forth in the Board of Education’s Code of Ethics as defined in policy.  The Board of Education member subject to the charge of misconduct shall not be precluded from presenting information to the committee.

The committee shall, within a reasonable period of time, make a report of its findings to the Board of Education for action. 

Each member of the Board of Education will reaffirm adherence to the Code of Ethics by signing a statement at the annual organizational meeting. 

Adopted: 3/8/06

Revised: 12/15/21

References: NWCCU Standards 2.D.2 
ORS 244.010 to ORS 244.400