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AR 4050: Articulation

Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) develops and implements a wide variety of transfer articulation pathways and partnerships for student success and completion. MHCC also complies with all state-wide transfer and articulation agreements (e.g. Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer, Associate of Science Oregon Transfer). All formalized articulation agreements will be published in the college catalog and website.

Transfer Guides: Specifies the coursework needed to fulfill lower-division requirements for degrees, specific majors, and/or general education at a specific partner institution, based on existing course articulations determined by the partner institution.

Initiated at the request of faculty, advisor or administration, these guides are developed in collaboration with partner institutions by the faculty and curriculum office following the specified template. Once developed, guides are reviewed annually and updated as needed (via faculty/curriculum office collaboration).

Course-by-Course articulations: Specifies how a specific course at MHCC articulates to a destination institution – as career technical education or lower division collegiate, as a specific course, as an elective within a particular discipline, etc. All public and private universities in Oregon, and many institutions elsewhere, maintain databases of course-by-course articulations for MHCC coursework. The database is maintained by the Admissions, Records and Registration office. These databases are regularly updated based on catalog revisions in cooperation with the Office of Instruction at MHCC.

Approved: 8/8/23

References: NWCCU Standards 1.C.8 and 2.C.1