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AR 4100: Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates

Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) awards degrees, certificates, and career pathways certificates in accordance with the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) definitions and the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) Standards and Policies. MHCC awards the following degrees to those students who have completed the requirements for graduation:

  • Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
  • Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (AAOT)
  • Associate of Arts Transfer (AAT)
  • Associate of General Studies (AGS)
  • Associate of Science (AS)
  • Associate of Science Transfer (AST)
  • Associate of Science Oregon Transfer (ASOT)
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)

Students may be awarded a certificate of achievement upon successful completion of a minimum of twelve or more quarter units of degree-applicable coursework designed as a pattern of learning experiences designed to develop certain capabilities that may be oriented to career or general education.

The vice president for instruction shall establish procedures to determine degree and certificate requirements that include appropriate involvement of the curriculum committee. The procedures shall ensure that graduation requirements are published in the college’s catalog(s) and included in other resources that are available to students.

Approved: 8/11/98

Revised: 9/22/09

References: NWCCU Standards 1.C.4, 1.D.1