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AR 4230: Grading and Academic Record Symbols

Evaluative grades:



Indicates excellent or outstanding performance. The concepts are fully grasped, the subject matter has been mastered, and the student has demonstrated ability to apply both concepts and subject matter with originality.


Above Average

Indicates that the student has met all the objectives in the course and has shown an above average grasp not only of the subject matter but of the concepts as well.



Indicates that the student has met the requirements and objectives of the course satisfactorily and has grasped its subject matter and concepts at an acceptable level of competency.


Below Average

Indicates that the student has met the minimum number of objectives to satisfy requirements for the course, but the grasp of the subject matter and concepts was below average.



Indicates that the student has not met a sufficient number of objectives to pass at a minimal level and should either repeat the course or be counseled into some other program or course.

Non-Evaluative grades:



Indicates that the student has met the requirements and objectives of the course satisfactorily and has grasped its subject matter and concepts at an acceptable level of competency. For evaluation and transferability purposes, the “S” grade is equivalent to a grade of “C.”



Indicates that insufficient work was done to justify a grade due to excusable reasons. Though individual circumstances may warrant unique decisions, it is commonly expected that the student will have completed at least 75% of the course requirements in order to be given an “I” grade.

For every “I” assigned the instructor must complete an Incomplete form. The Incomplete web form is completed and submitted to admissions, registration and records via web grading. Admissions, registration and records staff send a copy of it to the student. It is the responsibility of the instructor to provide a copy for their division dean and a copy for their own records. Instructors do have the option of giving the student the Incomplete form themselves.

Incompletes are to be made up prior to the end of the following term unless the student is no longer enrolled. Under these circumstances, the work must be made up in the term of return with a four-quarter maximum absence (including summer) permitted. Incompletes not made up within these timelines will automatically revert to an “F.” To change the grade within the timelines from an “I” to some other grade, the instructor must make the change as agreed on the incomplete form.

Instructors may request additional time for the incomplete to be made up via a memo to the admissions, registration and records office. An example of an acceptable request would be special needs of the course such as equipment or room availability.


Continuing Progress

Indicates that the student was registered for the course, was in attendance, met some of the objectives but did not advance far enough to receive credit for completion: is limited to developmental education courses and to open entry/open exit courses (where the student is permitted to proceed at one’s own pace).

A student who receives a “K” grade must reregister, repay and pass the class satisfactorily to receive credit. The “K” grade remains on the transcript. A student completing a developmental education course may receive a “K” grade up to two times for the same course and may only take the course a third time with the recommendation of the developmental education instructor via a signature add form. Students attempting a course for a third time who are receiving financial aid, veterans’ benefits or athletic eligibility must reregister for these credits above and beyond the hours necessary to maintain benefits.



Indicates that the student has opted to audit the class i.e., enroll in a credit class without receiving a grade or credit. Audit students are identified by an “AU” posted on the instructor’s class list.

Students may change their grading status through the seventh week (or equivalent) of the term. This includes changing from letter grade to audit, audit to letter grade, letter grade to pass/fail, etc., whenever options are available.



Indicates that the student has not met a sufficient number of objectives to pass at a minimal level and should either repeat the course or be counseled into some other program or course.



Indicates withdrawal from the course.


Not Received From Instructor

Indicates grade not received from the instructor.


Class Still In-Progress

Indicates the class is still in progress.


  1. During the first week of instruction for each term, instructors announce and publish the grading practices for each class and distribute these to the students in each of those classes.
  2. An equitable grading policy should be used, and an instructor’s assessment of a student’s achievement should be based on sound educational objectives, performance on required assignments and any or all of the following factors weighted as the instructor deems appropriate — attendance, class participation and performance on extra credit work.
  3. The student may drop any class through the seventh week of instruction or the equivalent for non-standard-length courses. After the last official day to drop a course, students may file a written appeal with the admissions, registration and records office for extenuating circumstances only.
  4. Faculty should communicate frequent evaluations to students so that students will have better knowledge on which to make decisions about the courses in which they are enrolled.
  5. Satisfactory academic progress for students enrolled in nine or more credit hours is defined as a quarterly grade point average (GPA)of 2.0.
  6. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange for correcting any errors in the transcript record within four academic terms.
  7. Grades are to be entered via web by full and part-time instructors. In the event an instructor misses the Web grading deadline, grades may be hand-carried, faxed, mailed, or emailed to the admissions, registration and records office during normal business hours.
  8. Grades are assigned based on work completed at the end of the term. Additional work or make-up after the term is not justified unless an Incomplete was assigned.

Approved: 12/17/91

Revised: 8/11/98

References: NWCCU Standard 2.G.2