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AR 4232: Continuing Education

The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a form of recognition given for completion of a unit of training for selected occupational supplementary courses. CEUs are based on time attended and not on the assessment of learning. 

Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) may grant CEUs for professional-related courses and trainings approved and on file with the Office of Instruction and that relate to or support an occupation, industry or professional development.

MHCC shall maintain a record of completion (transcript or record in non-credit records).

In accordance with the state and national standards, one Continuing Education Unit (CEU) equals ten (10) contact hours, or .1 is equal to one (1) contact hour. 

Approved:      1/13/16

Revised:          6/4/24

References: OAR 833-080-0011