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AR 5520: Student Discipline Procedures

The purpose of this regulation is to provide a prompt and equitable means to address alleged violations of the Standards of Student Conduct. This regulation guarantees to the student, or students, involved the due process rights guaranteed by state and federal constitutional protections. This regulation will be used in a fair and equitable manner, and not for the purpose of retaliation. It is not intended to substitute for criminal or civil proceedings that may be initiated by other agencies.

This administrative regulation is specifically not intended to infringe in any way on the rights of students to engage in free expression as protected by the state and federal constitutions and will not be used to punish expression that is protected. 

A detailed copy of the student code of conduct will be made available on the college website.  Any student who has registered for courses at MHCC is bound to the behavioral expectations outlined in the code of conduct.  

If a student is found to have violated MHCC’s standards of conduct, they may face discipline from MHCC. Disciplinary sanctions available to the Coordinator of Community Standards, or designee, are:

  1. Disciplinary reprimand
  2. Disciplinary probation
  3. Educational sanction
  4. Loss of privileges
  5. Suspension
  6. Expulsion
  7. Restitution
  8. Other – including directives for behavior and plans of action.

Right to an appeal
Any student that has been found to have violated the Student Code of Conduct will have the right to an appeal.  The appeal process and timeline will be outlined on the MHCC website. 

Records Retention
Records of alleged student misconduct, documentation of those allegations, evidence used to determine if allegations are substantiated, and the resolution of those allegations will be maintained separate from a student’s other educational records and retained in accordance with MHCC policies and procedures on record retention.

Removal from Class or Campus
Any MHCC employee may order a student removed from campus for the day of the removal and the next day. This removal should be based on behavior that violates the standards of conduct, is causing a significant disruption, and is not corrected when challenged with direct resolution.

Student Discipline Data Reporting
The Vice President of Student Development shall develop and provide to the President for review an annual report of the number of students who were disciplined pursuant to this procedure.  This report will disaggregate the students by race, age, gender, or any other characteristic identified by the President.

Approval:  NWCCU Standard Added 5/2020
Revised: 10/2021, 5/23/2023
  • NWCCU Standard 2.C.3
  • ORS 341.290(2)