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AR 7348: Accommodations

Absent undue hardship or direct threats to the health and safety of employee(s), Mt. Hood Community College provides employment-related reasonable accommodations to:

  • qualified individuals with disabilities, both applicants and employees, to enable them to perform essential job functions;
  • employees with conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition, if employee so requests, and with the advice of their health care provider; and
  • employees who request reasonable accommodation to address a conflict between religious belief or observance and any employment requirement.

An employee who wishes to express breast milk for their infant child (aged 18 months and younger) during their scheduled work hours will receive a reasonable rest period to express milk each time the employee has a need to express milk, unless otherwise agreed to by the employee and the college. Employees desiring to take a lactation break must notify a supervisor prior to taking such a break when possible. Breaks may be reasonably delayed if they would seriously disrupt operations. Once a lactation break has been approved, the break should not be interrupted except for emergency or exigent circumstances.

The college will make reasonable efforts to accommodate employees by providing an appropriate location to express milk in private. The college will attempt to find a location in close proximity to the employee’s work area, and the location will be other than a public restroom or toilet stall. Employees occupying such private areas shall either secure the door or otherwise make it clear to others through signage that the area is occupied and should not be disturbed. All other employees should avoid interrupting an employee during an authorized break under this section, except to announce an emergency or other urgent circumstance.

Any employee storing expressed milk in any authorized refrigerated area within the employee’s work area shall clearly label it as such. No expressed milk shall be stored at the work area beyond the employee’s workday.

Approved: 1/8/1997
Revised: 8/11/1998, 5/6/2008, 9/22/2009, 4/9/2010, 11/17/2015, 3/28/2023
  • 29 U.S. Code Section 207(r)
  • 42 U.S. Code Sections 12101 et seq.
  • 42 U.S. Code Sections 2000e et seq.
  • 29 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 1605.1 et seq.
  • ORS 659A.103 to 659A.145 (Disabilities)
  • ORS 659A.150 to 659A.186, OAR 839-005-0026, Oregon Laws 2019, Chapter 139 (Pregnancy/Related Conditions)
  • ORS 659A.033, OAR 839-005-0140 (Religious Observance/ Practice)
  • ORS 653.077, OAR 839-020-0051 (Expressing Milk)