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AR 7500: Volunteers

Mt. Hood Community College may enter into agreements with outside organizations to provide volunteers to work at college locations. Such agreements will contain appropriate defense and indemnification language to protect the college from liability in connection with the volunteer services.

Volunteers serve the college in an "at will" capacity. The college may terminate a volunteer's services for any reason.

Fingerprints and criminal background checks of each volunteer may be required. Volunteers with on-going assignments and volunteers who interact with minors shall be required to provide a complete set of fingerprints for the purpose of running a criminal background check.

Volunteers are employees of the college only for the purpose of workers’ compensation benefits for injuries sustained while engaged in the performance of any service under the direction and control of the college. With the exception of workers’ compensation, volunteers shall serve without any type of compensation or any other benefits granted to college employees. Volunteers are considered agents of the state for purposes of the Oregon Tort Claims Act and are eligible to receive liability coverage by the college for their acts and omissions when acting within the course and scope of their duties.

Approved: 3/28/2023
References: ORS 30.260 to 30.300 (Oregon Tort Claims Act)