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BP 7310: Nepotism

Mt. Hood Community College does not prohibit the employment of a relative or member of the household of a current employee of the college, with the exception that a college employee acting in their official capacity may not supervise a person who is a relative or member of their household. In addition, a college employee may not participate in personnel decisions relating to a relative or member of their household. Employees should immediately report a potential or actual conflict of interest to Human Resources. These restrictions do not apply to unpaid volunteer positions with the College.

Personnel decisions include: appointment, employment, promotion, discharge, firing, or demotion of a relative or member of the household and include participation in any interview, discussion, or debate related to these personnel decisions.

Relative means: spouse, domestic partner, parents, step-parents, children, siblings, step-siblings, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, individuals for whom the employee has a legal support obligation, or anyone for whom the employee provides benefits arising from their employment. This definition applies to both the employee and the spouse or domestic partner of the employee.

Member of household means any person who resides with the employee.

Mt. Hood Community College will make reasonable efforts to assign job duties to minimize the potential to create an adverse impact on supervision, safety, security, or morale or create other potential conflicts of interest.

Notwithstanding the above, the College retains the right where such placement has the potential for creating an adverse impact on supervision, safety, security, or morale, or involves other potential conflicts of interest, to refuse to place a relative or member of the household in the same department, division or facility. The College retains the right to reassign or transfer any person to eliminate the potential to create an adverse impact on supervision, safety, security, or morale or involve other potential conflicts of interest.

Adopted: 3/8/06

Revised: 5/18/22

References: ORS 244.175 to 244.179