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BP 7370: Political Activity – Employees

Employees shall not use Mt. Hood Community College funds, services, supplies, or equipment or engage in political activities during work hours to urge the passage or defeat of any ballot measure, initiative petition, appointment, nomination, or election of a person to a public office, or political committee, including, but not limited to, any candidate for election to the Board of Education. This policy prohibits restricted political activity, as defined by ORS 260.432, while on the job during an employee's working hours but shall not be construed to prohibit an employee from urging the support or defeat of a ballot measure, initiative petition, appointment, nomination, or election of a person to a public office, or political committee during non-working time.

“While on the job during working hours” does not include periods of time during which an employee is taking time off for a meal break or rest break or periods of time during which an employee is utilizing otherwise allowable time off in accordance with Oregon labor laws.

Adopted: 3/8/06

Revised: 5/18/22

ORS 260.432