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Crime Logs

The crime log is a record of all reported crimes to MHCC's Public Safety department at MHCC-controlled locations, such as the Gresham Campus, Maywood Park Campus, and The Bruning Center for Allied Health Education. This log contains details about the type of crime, when it happened, where it occurred, and what was done about it, if known for the last 60 days. 

View MHCC's Annual Security Report

Report a Concern: Sexual Harassment and Misconduct, Stalking, and Domestic or Dating Violence

Crime Log

Case Number Date Reported Date Occurred Time Occurred Crime Description Location DISP
24-172 11/15/2024 11/8/24-11/15/24 1700-1600 Theft II: Gas and gas cap stolen from a ECC vehicle Unknown

Info Only

24-178 11/25/2024 11/24/24-11/25/24 2100-0900 CMISC I / Theft II: Heat Pump taken apart and parts stolen Maywood Annex


24-181 12/2/2024 11/27/24-12/2/24 1600-0600 CMISC I / Theft II: 2 Bard units damaged and parts taken Maywood Annex


24-183 12/5/2024 12/5/2024 1320-1405 Criminal Trespass II: Excluded individual kept coming back onto campus AC 1051


24-184 12/5/2024 12/5/2024 1820-1918 CMISC I / Theft II: A Bard unit was damaged and parts taken Maywood Annex


24-185 12/5/2024 12/5/2024 0620-1231 CMISC I / Theft I: $143,356 damage done to Bard and split units, parts taken Maywood Annex


24-187 12/8/2024 12/6/2024 0110-0148 CMISC I / Theft I: 2 split units were damaged and parts taken Maywood


24-191 12/29/2024 12/29/2024 1322 Recovered UUMV: A stolen vehicle was abandoned on campus property 17th Street Gate


25-003 1/6/2025 1/2/2025-1/6/2025 1700-1145 CMISC II: Unknown person etched letters on window HPE GPD
25-004 1/6/2025 1/3/2025-1/6/2025 1700-1700 CMISC II: Unknown person damaged wiring to building. Utility Company Victim Maywood Annex PPB
25-005 1/7/2025 1/6/2025 1000-1300 CMISC II: Unknown person scratched student's vehicle Parking Lot X GPD
25-008 1/13/2025 1/13/2025 1500-2047 Theft II / CMISC II: A vehicle was broken into and a fanny pack containing a wallet and other items  was stolen  Parking Lot PL GPD
25-010 1/17/2025 1/17/2025 0034 Recovered UUMV: A stolen vehicle was dropped off Parking Lot X GPD
25-012 1/17/2025 1/1/25-1/17/25 1200-0830 CMICS II; Head Start shed broken into Maywood PPB
25-013 1/17/2025 1/16/2025 1030-1230 UUMV: Vehicle stolen Parking Lot X Vehicle Recovered
25-014 1/19/2025 1/19/2025 1607 Criminal Trespass II / CMISC II: Juveniles forced their way in a door, damaging the door HPE GPD
25-020 1/28/2025 1/28/2025 1634 UUMV: Vehicle stolen Parking Lot PL GPD
25-023 1/30/2025 1/30/2025 1222-1232 Menacing / UEMV / Theft II: Items were stolen from a vehicle and victim was threaten when trying to retrieve the stolen items. Parking Lot J GPD

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