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Drug Free Communities and Schools Act

The 1989 Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA), also known as the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act, mandates that colleges and universities must create rules to tackle the illegal possession, consumption, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs. This law also demands the implementation of a program focused on preventing drug and alcohol abuse. 

MHCC reviews its program biennially to determine its effectiveness, implement any necessary changes, and ensure that the required disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced. 

Review the MHCC 2023 DFSCA Biennial Review 

View MHCC's Annual Security Report

MHCC Alcohol Policy 

MHCC’s policies, procedures, and student code of conduct related to alcohol can be accessed on the college’s website.

AR 3560: Alcoholic Beverages 

MHCC Student Code of Conduct 

MHCC is committed to an alcohol-free work and learning environment. MHCC strictly prohibits employees and students from doing the following: 

  • Being under the influence of alcohol that adversely affects the individual’s work performance, safety at work, the employer’s regard or reputation in the community, and the students’ safety in the learning environment. 
  • The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of alcoholic beverages while on college business or at any other time while in a college-owned or -controlled building, office, premise, site, or vehicle, or at activities under the jurisdiction or sponsorship of the college unless specifically authorized by the president of the college. MHCC property also includes that portion of any other building occupied by the college on a permanent or temporary basis. 

Off-Campus Activities 

When MHCC plans trips away from the college, like field trips and sports events, the college rules apply. Students joining these outings must follow the college’s rules. Students can't have alcohol during these off-campus activities, even when traveling to or from the college. 

MHCC employees going off-campus for college events, such as conferences and field trips, can have some alcohol, but only after they finish their official work for the college, like a presentation or an event. They can't drink while driving to or from college events. 

If there's a special situation that needs an exception for off-campus events, it must be approved by the college president. 

Alcohol Use in School Programs 

In certain cases, alcohol might be used for learning in specific classes. This is allowed when it's supervised properly and gets the college president's approval. 

MHCC Alcohol-Abuse Education Programs 

  • The college provides information about not using alcohol at work. 
  • Managers and bosses receive training to deal with alcohol problems at work or school. 
  • Students and employees can get information about other places in the community to help with alcohol issues. 
  • If workers want, they can take time off with or without pay for alcohol help. 
  • Alcohol support groups meet on campus. You can find out when and where on the MHCC website and posters around the school. 

Here are some additional resources: 

MHCC Alcohol-related Sanctions 

MHCC enforces its alcohol policy and administrative regulations. Students can face sanctions for violating the student code of conduct or state and federal regulations. Sanctions may include verbal or written warnings, disciplinary probation, payment for damaged property, mandatory counseling, treatment, or community service, suspension, temporary exclusion (removal from classes, privileges, or activities for up to one year), or permanent expulsion. 

Employees who are under the influence of alcohol, affecting their judgment, performance, or behavior while on MHCC premises or during MHCC business, may face sanctions. These can range from suspension to termination, or the requirement to complete an approved alcohol rehabilitation program. 

The college also upholds Oregon's underage drinking laws on MHCC property. Minors (individuals under 21) who possess or try to buy alcohol can be fined. Providing alcohol to a minor can lead to a fine or a fine and jail time, depending on the circumstances. 

MHCC Drugs and Controlled Substances Policy 

MHCC’s board policies, administrative regulations, and student code of conduct speaking to drugs and controlled substances can be accessed on the college’s website. 

AR 3550: Drug-Free Environment and Drug Prevention

AR 3570: Smoking, Vaping, and Other Tobacco Use and Possession on Campus

MHCC Student Code of Conduct 

MHCC is committed to a drug-free work and learning environment in keeping with the Drug-Free Workplace Act. Drugs considered to be controlled substances are listed in schedules I through V of Section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812) and as further defined by regulation 21 C.F.R.1308.11 through 1308.15 The college strictly prohibits employees and students from the following: 

  • Being under the influence of drugs and/or controlled substances on the college premises, while on college business, or while operating college vehicles, adversely affects the individual’s work performance, safety at work, the employer’s regard or reputation in the community; and the student’s learning and safety in the learning environment. 
  • Unlawful manufacturing, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of drugs (licit or illicit), and/or controlled substances on college premises or at any other time while in a college-owned or controlled building, office, premise, site or vehicle; or at activities under the jurisdiction or sponsorship of the college that adversely affects the individual’s work performance or safety at work. 

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of drugs (licit or illicit), and/or controlled substances off college premises or college-owned or controlled building, office, premise, site, or vehicle that adversely affects the college’s regard or reputation in the community. 

Marijuana is prohibited on all college properties.

As of July 1, 2015, Oregon legalized the recreational use of marijuana under state law for adults aged 21 and older, with some exceptions and strict limitations on possession and usage locations. You can review some frequently asked questions on the State of Oregon's website. 

However, it's important to note that, according to state law, marijuana cannot be used in public, which includes MHCC campuses, our remote locations, or when representing MHCC. Additionally, it's crucial to understand that marijuana remains illegal under federal law. 

MHCC receives federal funds, including financial assistance for students. This means the college must continue to prohibit the possession, use, or distribution of marijuana and other substances that are illegal at the federal level on all college properties or as part of college activities, whether it's for recreational or medicinal purposes. MHCC is required to follow federal laws, regardless of changes in Oregon's state laws. 

College Assistance and Description of Drug Abuse Education Programs 

MHCC acknowledges that drug and controlled substance dependencies can be treated, and the college provides programs and services for both employees and students facing these issues. 

Students are strongly encouraged to reach out for help as needed through the counseling services offered at the college or through referrals to external resources. Employees, on the other hand, can seek assistance from MHCC's employee assistance program. It's essential to know that any information gathered about an employee or student while they are participating in these programs or services will be kept confidential, as per federal and state laws. 

The college distributes information regarding: 

  • MHCC’s policy of a drug-free workplace and penalties that may be imposed. 
  • Dangers and health risks of drug abuse. 
  • The availability of drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance program for employees and their families.  
  • Available insurance benefits for employees that may cover the cost of rehabilitation treatment programs. 

Students are encouraged to visit the career planning and counseling center in Room AC1152 to seek help, use college resources, and obtain information on community resources. MHCC may grant leave with or without pay to any employee participating in a substance abuse assistance or rehabilitation program. 

Additional resources include: 

MHCC Drugs and Controlled Substances Sanctions 

Non-compliance with MHCC’s drug and controlled substance use policy, provisions of these administrative regulations, student code of conduct, or violations of related state and federal regulations, will be subject to sanctions that may include, but are not limited to the following: 

  • Sanctions that may be imposed on students for violations of this regulation include verbal or written warnings; disciplinary probation; payment for destroyed property; required counseling; treatment or community service; suspension or temporary exclusion (removal from classes, privileges, or activities for a specified period up to one year); and permanent expulsion from the college. 
  • No employee will report for duty or remain on duty if the employee uses any controlled substance, except as authorized by a physician who confirms that the employee’s ability to perform will not be impaired by the prescribed substance. 
  • No employee will remain on duty if the employee tests positive for use of a controlled substance unless a physician who confirms that the employee’s ability to perform will not be impaired by the substance prescribes the substance. 
  • An employee may be required to satisfactorily complete an approved drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program as a condition of continued employment. 
  • An employee may be reassigned. 
  • An employee may be required to agree to a “last chance agreement” as a condition of employment. 
  • An employee may be subject to immediate disciplinary action up to and including termination. 
  • Violators may also be referred for criminal prosecution and/or require the violator to participate in appropriate treatment programs. 
  • Organizations or groups violating alcohol policies or laws may be subject to sanctions by the college. 
  • Violators may be arrested or referred to local enforcement agencies. 

Report a Concern: Sexual Harassment and Misconduct, Stalking, and Domestic or Dating Violence


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