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Sex Offenders Registration

In Oregon, people classified as sex offenders must register with the local police in the area where they live. If someone is required to be part of the state's sex offender registry, they must inform the state about their connection to any college in Oregon where they work, study, or have a job. They also need to update the state when there's any change in their enrollment or job status. Under Oregon's laws, you can access sex offender information by reaching out to local law enforcement or the Oregon State Police. You can search for this information by the person's name, address, zip code, or county.

If you're looking for details about registered sex offenders in a specific area, you can contact the Oregon State Police Sex Offender Registration Unit at 503-378-3725. 

Oregon law mandates the posting of predatory sex offenders and sexually violent dangerous offenders to a public website, the State of Oregon Sex Offender Inquiry. 

You can see all predatory and other high-risk sex offenders who are currently under community supervision and are residing within the borders of Multnomah County at Multnomah County Sex Offenders. 

Additional sex offender information can be obtained from the Multnomah County Sex Offender Supervision website

Clackamas County’s website contains information about predatory sex offenders who are currently under supervision.

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Report a Concern: Sexual Harassment and Misconduct, Stalking, and Domestic or Dating Violence

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