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Saints Student Athletes

The MHCC Saints have one of the best programs in the NWAC for both sports and academics. We have won the NWAC President’s Cup more times than any other program and are consistently in the top five for this special award. Learn how you can become a Saints student-athlete. If you are a student-athlete interested in one of our nine programs, contact the coaching staff for that sport or email Athletic Director Kim Hyatt. 

MHCC Student-Athlete Eligibility

Athletes must be a high school graduate or a member of a graduated class. You may not participate in one sport more than two seasons. 

Athletes must be registered within 20 days from the beginning of the quarter and must register for at least 12 credit hours. Athletes must have passed a minimum of 10 credit hours the last quarter enrolled. To participate in a second season of any sport, you must have earned a minimum of 36 credit hours between participation seasons, and you must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00.

If you transfer from another community college that is a member of the NWAC, you become eligible for athletic competition after three quarters of separation from your former college, excluding summer school. Any time you participate in a regularly scheduled game, match, or contest, you will be considered for one year of eligibility in that sport. You may be declared ineligible if, during the sports season, you represent any club, organization, or team other than your college team.
If convicted for the use or sale of illegal drugs, including anabolic steroids, you will be disqualified from participation in a NWAC sponsored athletic event or activity for a period of one year. 

2023-24 Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA)

The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) aims to inform prospective students about a school's commitment to providing equitable athletic opportunities for both male and female students. Any co-educational institution of higher education participating in a federal student aid program must prepare an EADA report by October 15 and make it available upon request. MHCC EADA Reports are available below. Hard copies of the report are also available upon request in the HPE/Athletic Department Office in Building 1 on the MHCC campus.

Institutions must also report data to the U.S. Department of Education via an online survey. This is a mandatory survey and can be found at  Department of Education EADA site and by entering the name of the institution.

2023-24 EADA Report

Students Attending Mt. Hood Students Percent
Men 799 44%
Women 1014 56%
Total 1813 100%


Athletically Related Student Aid Awarded Student Aid Percent
Men $112,840 48%
Women $122.389 52%
Total $235,229 100%





Total Expenses for Men's and Women's Sports Expenses Percent
Men $266,807 29%
Women $366,622 39%
Not Allocated by Gender/Sport - Expenses $294,771 32%
Total $928,200


Total Annual Revenues for Men's and Women's Sports Revenue Percent
Men $290,341 26%
Women $398,871 36%
Not Allocated by Gender/Sport - Revenue $425,036 38%
Total $1,114,248


Annual Salary of Head Coaches for Men's and Women's Sports Salary
Men's Head Coaches $8,938
Women's Head Coaches $9,700

Men's Sports

Sport Participants Men Head Coaches Women Head Coaches Men Assistant Coaches Women Assistant Coaches Operating Expenses
Men's Baseball 43 1 0 4 0 $31,942
Men's Basketball 16 1 0 3 0 $36,568
Men's Cross Country 4 1 0 0 0 $2010
Men's Track and field 17 1 0 1 1 $11,508
Total 80 4 8 1 82,028
Unduplicated Count of Participants 75


Women's Sports

Sport Participants Men Head Coaches Women Head Coaches Men Assistant Coaches Women Assistant Coaches Operating Expenses
Women's Basketball 18 1 0 1 1 $32,955
Women's Cross Country 4 1 0 0 0 $2010
Women's Softball 26 0 1 0 3 $57,525
Women's Track and Field 10 1 0 1 1 $6,769
Women's Volleyball 14 0 1 0 3 $35,302
Total 72 134,561
Unduplicated Count of Participants 65




Sports Expenses and Revenue

Sport Expenses Men Expenses Women Revenue Men Revenue Women
Basketball $93,774 $84,569 $97,323 $90,300
Football NA NA NA NA
Other Sports $173,033 $282,053 $193,018 $308,571


Past EADA Completion and Graduation Reports

       EADA Report 2022-2023

EADA Report 2021-2022

EADA Report 2020-2021


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