Fisheries Technology
The two-year Fisheries Technology degree prepares you for a career as a fish culturist or fishery technician. These jobs can be found with private, state, and federal agencies. You will learn about fish biology and care to manage fisheries. A large portion of the program will provide hands-on experience through field study projects, such as working in the campus fish hatchery.
The Experience
Program Details
The Fisheries Technology program at Mt. Hood Community College has trained skilled fisheries technicians for more than 40 years. Gain first-hand experience in raising fish and in sampling fish populations.
Your future
More than 50 percent of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife hatchery jobs are held by Mt. Hood Community College graduates. Learn where else you could work after completing the Fisheries Technology program at MHCC.
How To Get Started
The Fisheries Technology program begins during fall term. Are you starting classes in another term? Don't worry! There still may be courses you can start taking if you're starting college in a different term. Please contact the program advisors for details. Any student admitted to MHCC can sign up for classes in the program after reading, writing, and math placement requirements have been met.
See Students in Action
Learn more about courses and curriculum
The Fisheries Technology curriculum includes classroom study, field training, site visits, and work at the Mt. Hood Community College hatchery. The program prepares students to work in the field, or at hatcheries raising fish.
Take the next step with Mt. Hood Community College
Have questions about the Fisheries Technology Program?
Read Fisheries Technology Frequently Asked Questions