Machine Tool Technology Degree - FAQ
Do you still have questions about the program, careers after graduation, or how to get started? Take a look at the frequently asked questions or talk with an advisor to get the help you need.
Frequently Asked Questions
The associate of applied science degree in welding and machine tool technology or machine tool technology normally take two years of full-time study. Some students take longer because they need more time to take general education courses such as math, writing, health, etc..
Students must meet the application requirements by course placement or completed coursework. If you are not an MHCC student, use our transfer course equivalency tool to see if your courses from other colleges apply!
Yes, the classes must be taken in the order prescribed in the catalog. General education courses (such as math, writing, health, etc.) can be taken during any term, or before starting the program. Talk to an academic advisor to plan your classes.
Meet with an advisor to plan your path into the program.
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Read Machine Tool Technology Degree Frequently Asked Questions