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Students at graduation

Physical Education Exercise Sports Science - After Graduation

Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) helps you start your career with all the skills and knowledge you need to be successful.

Future Careers

MHCC Career Coaches are here to help you explore your career options after graduation. Below are a few common paths graduates can pursue.

Coaches and Scouts

As a coach or scout, your daily tasks will include planning, organizing, and conducting practice sessions. You will also provide training direction, encouragement, motivation, and nutritional advice to prepare athletes for games, competitive events, or tours.

Adapted Physical Education Specialists

As an adapted physical education specialist, you will provide individual or small groups of students with adapted physical education instruction that meets desired physical needs or goals. Plus, you will instruct students on improving physical fitness, gross motor skills, perceptual motor skills, or sports and game achievement.

Exercise Trainers and Group Fitness Instructors

In these roles, you will offer alternatives during classes to accommodate different levels of fitness and plan routines, choose appropriate music, and various movements for each set of muscles, depending on participants' capabilities and limitations.

Exercise Physiologists

As an exercise physiologist, you will recommend methods to increase lifestyle physical activity and interpret exercise program participant data to evaluate progress or identify needed program changes.

Fitness and Wellness Coordinators

In these roles, you will track attendance, participation, or performance data related to wellness events. You will also supervise fitness or wellness specialists, such as fitness instructors, nutritionists, or health educators.

Learn more with MHCC's Career coach

Job Boards

Here are places to search for current openings at organizations that hire for your skill set.

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