Ask a Librarian
Through the MHCC Library Catalog, you have access to over 339,000 ebooks. You can also use over 100 library databases providing access to over 84,000 ejournals of scholarly content and over 192,000 streaming videos. Our reference librarians are available to help you best use these resources and more! They can help you research more effectively, answer questions, and show you how to use our databases and catalogs.
Contact a Reference Librarian
Reference librarians are available for prompt online help Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednesday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. while term is in session. (Please expect longer response times on evenings and weekends.) You can also text us at 503-877-2751.
Request a Zoom video appointment with a librarian