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Housing Help

If you need help finding stable housing, you have options. On this page you'll find a list of housing-related community resources and listings. If you have questions or need help accessing these resources, please contact the Student Basic Needs Office.

Please note, the following programs and organizations are not affiliated with MHCC and do not represent the official information of MHCC. Use caution and common sense when meeting or making arrangements with people you do not know. Assistance is only available when the housing agencies have the resources to provide it.

Community Resources

Emergency Housing and Shelters

Immediate/Emergency shelter or housing. These are usually only available overnight or for less than a week. Many of these shelters require a referral through 211.

  • 211 Housing
    No matter what you are someone you care about needs right now, 211 can help you find available services and resources in your community.
  • Multnomah County Office of Homeless Service
    Information on shelters and other resources for people who are homeless or housing insecure in Multnomah County.
  • Homeless Youth Handbook
    A wealth of information about Safety and Stability, Turning 18, the Foster System and more.
  • My Father’s House
    Provides a safe environment for 30 families, a place where families can stay together as they address their spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational issues and needs.
  • Raphael House of Portland
    Provides a safe haven from domestic violence regardless of gender identity, ethnicity, disability, immigration status, primary language, or sexuality.
  • Outside In (specializing in youth up to age 24)
    Outside In’s Drop In Day Program provides services like meals and showers and helps you connect with a supportive and caring community.
  • New Avenues for Youth (for youth up to age 24)
    NAFY is dedicated to the prevention and intervention of youth homelessness. They have LGBTQ and population-specific housing and homelessness resources.

Short-term Housing/Rent Assistance

Long-Term Affordable Housing

More like traditional housing, but with services such as rent reduction, rent vouchers, and/or support services on site.

  • College Housing Northwest.
    College Housing Northwest is a non-profit property management organization that provides below-market-rate housing exclusively to college students. Most units are in downtown Portland, but units are coming available in east County as well.
  • Home Forward
    Provides safe and affordable housing for individuals and families who are challenged by income, disability or special need.
  • Our Just Future
    Provides affordable rental housing and provides comprehensive resident services
  • Innovative Housing, Inc..
    Innovative Housing, Inc. is a non-profit property management company that provides below-market-rate housing to low- and middle-income families and individuals. Innovative Housing works with Rent Well and accepts Section 8 certificates at all of their properties. More information is available from managers at specific properties (listed on the IHI website).
  • Relay Resources
    Lists affordable housing properties across the metro area that are typically are $725/month or less for a one bedroom. Sign up for multiple properties with one application. There is a waitlist and it may be several months before a unit opens up.
  • Federal Housing Assistance Information
    Provides information and links for federal housing assistance programs such as Section 8.

Student-friendly Apartments in the Gresham Area

Resources for Students with Children

Path Home empowers families with children to get back into housing and stay there. Includes a medium-term (three to six months) shelter. Referals must come through 211 intake.

McKinney-Vento Houseless Student Program

McKinney-Vento is the name of a federal law that provides extra support for school-aged children of families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, doubled up, facing eviction, or needing rental assistance. Supports include:

  • Housing services
  • Transportation and other supports to stay at the same school even if the family moves out of district
  • Assistance transferring school documents from one district to another
  • Assistance with Special Ed and 504 plans, fee waivers, clothing and other resources

MHCC students who are houseless and have children in public schools may qualify for McKinney-Vento program supports.

More information on McKinney-Vento

McKinney-Vento Contacts by District


Camedra Jefferson 


Marcela Butterfield



Antoinette Harrison  

Lizbeth Alvarez

Parkrose McKinney-Vento Services Referral Form

David Douglas

Florence Protopapas


David Douglas McKinney-Vento Services Referral Form


Lori Palmiter



Dr. Holly Altiero

503-661-7200 ext 4723

Reynolds McKinney-Vento Services Referral Form


Nancy Singleterry


Mayra Caro


Sandy-Oregon Trail School District

Sarah Fox

503-668-8011 ext. 7134

Alyssa Sedgwick

503-668-8011 ext. 7134

Additional Housing Resources