Open Education Resources
MHCC helps keep the cost of textbooks low with Open Educational Resources (OER) and library materials. You can own, use, change, and share OER materials at a low cost or even for free. This makes OERs a great alternative to expensive, commercial textbooks. If you have questions about OERs for your class, talk to your instructor.
Access OERs online
Faculty and staff throughout Oregon (including MHCC instructors) have created OER materials for many courses. You can access them on the Open Oregon Educational Resources website. These materials are free and accessible. For best results:
- Try searching for a prefix and course number, separated by a space. Example: WR121
- Unlike Google, the search box only searches for an exact string of characters, not individual keywords. Example: separate searches for “geography” of “Latin America” will work better than one search of “geography Latin America.”
- If you see a name and email address on a resource, feel free to contact that person about their class!
Search Open Oregon Educational Resources
Additional OER support and resources
Looking to learn more about OERs? View the resources below.
Take the next step with Mt. Hood Community College
Have questions about OER materials?
Contact MHCC Library Reference Staff