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Early Childhood Education and Family Studies - Program Details

The early childhood education and family studies program at MHCC prepares students with the knowledge and skills needed to become skilled in the field of early learning in many roles and settings. The program focuses on how to support children’s development for ages birth to five as well as how to partner with their families and connect them with community resources.

The Start of a Promising Career

A degree or certificate from our program positions you for a promising career in fields related to early learning and family services. 

Program Outcomes

After completing this program you'll be able to:

  • Create enriching spaces that support children’s learning.
  • Guide children with effective and positive approaches.
  • Describe the value of observation and documentation.
  • Build connections with children’s families and their communities.
  • Apply knowledge of child development to appropriate lesson planning.
  • Uphold the ethics and standards of the field.

Courses and Curriculum

In this program, you'll begin with learning the foundations for supporting young children’s development. You'll take classes on health, safety, and nutrition. As you move forward, you'll learn how to observe and guide children's behavior. You'll also apply what you are learning in your courses through field experience. As you progress through the program you will learn how to plan for literacy, creative arts, science, and math lessons that are appropriate for very young children. As you near the end of the program, you'll learn more about inclusion for children with special needs and build the skills to create a comprehensive child portfolio. Current issues in the early childhood field will also be a key part of your learning.

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Your Future in Early Education and Family Studies

With a degree in early childhood education and family studies, you will have options for a career in early learning and care, family support, and administration. 

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