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Nursing students

Respiratory Care - How to Get Started

The respiratory care program is a limited-entry program. This means you must meet certain criteria before you can apply. Applicants are selected through a point-based system. The program admits up to 30 students every fall term. Students of all races, ethnicities, ages, genders, religions, sexual orientations, socioeconomic statuses, nationalities, physical abilities, and cognitive differences are Welcome, добро пожаловать! Bienvenido! ยินดีต้อนรับ!

Information Sessions

Join our upcoming information sessions to learn more about the program, application process/requirements, and selection criteria.

  • Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 11 AM via Zoom
  • Monday, February 17, 2025 at 4 PM in person
  • Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11 AM in person
In person sessions are held at the Gresham Campus, room 1765.

Respiratory Care Program Application Information

We are excited about your interest in our respiratory care program at Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC). Below are the requirements to fulfill to be considered an applicant for the program.

Please note that the information below is based on the application requirements for fall term 2025. Requirements are subject to change every year.

Admissions Requirements

Admission decisions are based on a point system using academic and non-academic criteria. To apply for fall term 2025 admission, you must meet the requirements below by the deadline date of April 18, 2025.  Below are the prerequisites required as well as an explanation of the points system used as the basis for admission.    

These courses are required and must be completed by the winter term, March 2025, or be registered to complete spring term 2025.

Courses must be completed with a “C” grade or higher.  Courses with “Z” at the end are equivalent to the same course without the “Z.” Use our transfer course equivalency tool to see if your courses from other colleges apply!

Important Note: Courses have prerequisites and may not be offered every term. You are advised to meet with an academic adviser to ensure your readiness to apply.

These courses do not expire:

  • College-level biology course (i.e., BI100, BI112, BI121, BI231, etc.)
  • College-level chemistry course (i.e., CH104, CH151, CH221, etc.)
  • MTH065 or higher
  • WR115 or WR121Z (or placement* into WR121Z since 4/18/2020)

    *Placement Options: You may be able to use the Accuplacer College Placement Test (CPT), GED® scores or Smarter Balanced scores for meeting the writing skills requirement. Learn more about course placement. CPT scores are valid for five years and cannot be older than April 18, 2020.

These are supporting courses required for degree completion. Although they can be taken while in the program, completing them by the application deadline will gain you application points. The prerequisite course(s) already used to satisfy the above requirements cannot be used again to earn points in this section.  

Point Award System: A = three points, B = two points, C = one point

  • BI121 or BI231 Human Anatomy and Physiology I*
  • BI122 or BI232 Human Anatomy and Physiology II*
  • BI233 Human Anatomy and Physiology III (not needed if applicants take BI121 and BI122)*
  • BI234 Microbiology*
  • WR121Z English Composition
  • COMM111Z or COMM115Z or WR122Z Public Speaking/Intercultural Communications/English Composition II
  • MO111 Medical Terminology
  • PSY101 or PSY201Z or PSY202Z Psychology of Human Relations/General Psychology

*If accepted to the program, the human anatomy and physiology series and microbiology must be completed before the fall term of the second year (before starting clinicals).

Prior Degree: One point awarded for any previous degree earned (Associate or Bachelor’s or Master’s degree)

How to Apply

Now that you know the requirements let’s get started on the application process. Below are step by step instructions on how to get your applications submitted successfully!

Application Process

Apply for general admission to MHCC if you are new to MHCC or have not attended in the last four terms. Select AGS in Health Professions as your major. Please note it could take one to two business days to receive your MHCC ID number.

Pay the $35 non-refundable application fee once you are ready to submit your application. You will need to upload your payment receipt with your application.


Official transcripts from regionally accredited colleges/universities where you completed prerequisite courses are required. If you’re finishing prerequisites in the winter term, wait until grades are posted before requesting transcripts. Otherwise, complete this step as soon as possible. Updated official transcripts are required only if new courses have been taken.

Transcripts must be issued directly by the institution from which the course(s) were taken. Coursework showing as transferred from one institution to another is not accepted. Official electronic transcripts via secure electronic delivery service may be submitted to [email protected]. E-transcripts cannot be sent from the student to MHCC as they are not considered official. If submitting transcripts by mail, send to:

Mt. Hood Community College – RC Application
Admissions, Registration, and Records
26000 SE Stark St.
Gresham OR 97030

  • Regionally Accredited Institutions: Required for prerequisite courses.
  • Non-Regionally Accredited Institutions: Not required.
  • AP (Advanced Placement), CLEP, DSST or IB (International Baccalaureate) Transcripts/Scores: Required only if using for admission requirements and must be issued directly from College Board, DSST or International Baccalaureate (see Credit Alternatives).
  • Foreign/Non-US Based Educational Transcripts: Required only if using to meet admission requirements and must first be evaluated by an outside credential service. The evaluated transcripts must be submitted by the application deadline for the program. For more information, visit the transfer to MHCC page. Evaluation processing for foreign transcripts could take up to six weeks. It is best to start this process early. A foreign bachelor's degree does not fulfill the prerequisite requirements.
  • MHCC transcript: Not required, already on file. 

Submit your application from December 2, 2024, through April 18, 2025. If applicable, please be sure to have your documents ready for uploading and transcript(s) available for entering your prerequisite courses. Once started, your application cannot be saved.


Upon successful submission of your application, you will receive an email confirmation. If you do not receive an email confirming receipt of your application within three business days, please email [email protected].

As your application gets reviewed, the status will be updated in the MyMHCC portal.

Application Timeline - Fall Term 2025 Entry
  • December 2, 2024: You may submit your application.
  • April 18, 2025: Application deadline. All materials are due to MHCC. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered for admissions.
  • Early May 2025: You will be notified if you are moving to the interview and/or essay process.
  • May 2025: Interview and/or essay selection process
  • Late May/Early June 2025: Notification of interview and/or essay results emailed. Up to 30 applicants are accepted to the program. Up to 15 applicants will be placed on the waitlist.
  • June 2025: Required orientation held for accepted students. Information about the required drug screen, background check and immunizations will be given at the orientation.
  • September 22, 2025: Fall term classes begin. 

Dates are subject to change. Any changes to the processing timeline will be updated here immediately. Do not inquire about the status of your application while processing is taking place.   

Application Statistics


Total applicants



Most common reasons for incomplete applications





Missing transcript





Missing proof of high school completion, missing transcripts, missing required chemistry





Missing proof of high school completion

After You Apply

Up to the top 60 scoring applicants will be invited to participate in the interview and/or essay process. More information will be provided at the time you are invited.

From this selection process, up to 30 applicants are admitted to the program. Qualified candidates not selected may be placed on a waitlist and offered a position if any of the accepted applicants decline their position. The accepted and waitlisted students will need to complete any remaining prerequisite classes by the end of spring term, attend the required orientation, and complete the health and safety requirements explained at the orientation.

Tiebreaker: If two or more applicants have the same score during the selection process, the office of admissions will use tiebreakers in the following order: the date the applications were complete (all required items were received) and in district student.

If you are offered a seat in the program, you will be required to complete the following to keep your position:

  • Attend the required orientation in June (a specific date and time will be in your acceptance letter).
  • Complete required health and safety requirements established by affiliate health care facilities and the college by the assigned due dates. These requirements include annual training, immunizations, bloodborne pathogens, tuberculosis screening, drug and alcohol testing, and criminal background check. It is the responsibility of the students to provide documentation and maintain currency. Students who are not in compliance will be unable to attend clinical practicum. Please note, this drug screening may also check for prescription drugs that contain amphetamines, barbiturates, opioids, benzodiazepines, and marijuana. If you are taking any prescribed medication that may contain these drugs you will need to meet with the dean of health professions before completing the drug screen. Even though marijuana use is legal in Oregon and Washington, since it is not legal federally, hospitals and clinical sites will not allow it, and you will fail your drug screen if it shows up.
  • Religious or medical exceptions are allowed for flu and covid based on the clinical sites’ requirements.

High School Completion: The state of Oregon Health Licensing Board requires documentation that proves you completed high school to obtain a license to practice as a respiratory therapist. Other states do not have this requirement. Please be aware, after completion of this program, if you have not acquired high school documentation or a GED, you will not be granted a license to practice in Oregon.

Additional Program Information

These costs are estimates and are listed only as a guide for your financial planning. Tuition is as of fall term 2024 and subject to change without notice. Students are advised to have a financial plan in place.

  • Tuition and College Fees: $13,716

Based on six terms in the program including general education courses needed for the Associate of Applied Science in respiratory care but does not include the prerequisites. If you have completed some or all the general education courses, your tuition will be less.) See current tuition rates.

  • Respiratory Care Course Fees: $2,020

Course Fee Breakdown by Term

  • Second quarter (Winter)
    RT121 course fee: $25
    RT122 course fee: $25
  • Third quarter (Spring)
    RT141 course fee: $200
    RT142 course fee: $200
    RT150 course fee: $100
  • Fourth quarter (Fall)
    RT220 course fee: $25
    RT251 course fee: $400
  • Fifth quarter (Winter)
    RT231 course fee: $200
    RT252 course fee: $400
  • Sixth quarter (Spring)
    RT232 course fee: $45
    RT253 course fee: $400
  • Books for respiratory care classes: $923
  • CastleBranch criminal background check: $121
  • Vaccines and titers: $500
  • CastleBranch drug screen: $45
  • Extras (scrubs, stethoscope, arm patches, good pair of shoes, etc.): $380
  • Travel to clinical sites: Varies
  • Liability insurance (included with fees)
  • Therapist Multiple-Choice (TMC) exam: $190
  • Clinic simulation exam: $200
  • Oregon license: $100
  • Washington license (if getting licensed in WA): $360
  • FBI background check: $90
  • Castlebranch subscription $100 per year

    Grand Total: $18,845

Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) reserves the right to modify the criteria and the process for selection.  

Admission to the college does not guarantee admission to the respiratory care program. Admission of all students to the program is centralized in the admissions, registration, and records office. This office has the final authority on all admission criteria and is the sole authority to inform students of their admission status.  

If you have questions regarding admission requirements and procedures, please email [email protected].  

Reasons for Admission Disqualification: Withholding information or providing materially misleading information and giving untruthful information to questions on the program application or during the application process could be cause for non‐acceptance or dismissal from the program. If you were admitted and then failed a required course or were dismissed from the program or any other health-related program, you may be denied admission into the program.  

Previous Admission: If you were previously accepted into the program and then declined acceptance or withdrew, you will need to re‐apply to the program and will be required to meet the current program admission requirements and program standards. Materials cannot be brought forward from previous applications for a current application.

Take the next step with Mt. Hood Community College

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Read Respiratory Care Frequently Asked Questions

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