Eastern Oregon University
- All classes will be offered on the Mt. Hood Community College campus.
- Students may transfer as many as 120 credits.
- Program compliments work schedules and family commitments.
- Personal advising by department faculty and advisors.
- Students may attend EOU and MHCC at the same time.
- Least costly route to a baccalaureate degree, and/or a teaching license.
- Coordinated financial aid and scholarship opportunities.
- Expanded educational options by combining academic resources of two schools.
- Combined library and technology privileges at both institutions.
Success Begins at MHCC
You'll get a solid academic foundation by starting your degree goals with MHCC. We offer small class sizes, personal advising and instructing attention, class variety, and lower tuition costs. You can then continue growing at EOU. Gaining admission to EOU is an easy process. You'll then be able to transfer up to 120 credits to EOU. Classes are held in the afternoon and evening to accommodate working students. You'll take 14 to 16 credits per term for two years with a group of 30 students attending the program with you.
EOU Elementary Teacher Education Program
On the MHCC campus you can earn:
- Bachelor of Science in elementary education
- English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) endorsement
- Oregon teaching license
EOU Transfer Process
The elementary education program is located on the MHCC Gresham Campus in Room AC3308A, above the library. You can also call 503-491-7000 to schedule an advising appointment or for additional questions.
For the appointment, bring all other college and/or university UNOFFICIAL transcripts. These materials will be an important basis for an initial review. Your advisor will then provide detailed online application steps.
Complete the online application and then request official transcripts from other institutions be sent directly to EOU. Your advisor can help with how to do that! Once all materials have been submitted, the EOU registrar will review them for official admission.
Once admitted, you can take classes at EOU. You must attend at least one EOU course per year to remain an active student.
Eastern Oregon Program Contacts
EOU faculty, staff, and advisors are available to answer questions about the program. Reach out the departments below for more information on offerings. EOU is accredited by Northwest Accreditation and recognized as one of seven Oregon University System institutions. It is a national model for creating regional residential programs. The EOU site at MHCC is the university’s largest off-campus education program.