Student Code of Conduct
As a door to greater opportunities, Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) is committed to the success and retention of students who are looking to grow and develop personally, professionally and academically. In pursuit of its mission, MHCC strives to create an environment where the college community feels welcoming, safe, and respected regardless of social, cultural, or economic status.
All members of the MHCC community are expected to act and behave responsibly abiding by the guiding principle of treating one another as one would like to be treated themselves. Therefore, the Student Code of Conduct, hereafter known as “the code,” is intended to educate and guide students in understanding their responsibilities as community members of MHCC. The code is aligned with the college's non-discrimination policy and shall not be used in a discriminatory way. Every effort will be made to balance the needs of individuals and the safety and welfare of the community.
The code applies to all students, recognized student organizations, and student groups. Furthermore, the code applies to students enrolled in specific educational programs and students in those programs are expected to follow both the student code of conduct and any academic and professional standards applied to their area of study. The code also applies to any guests of the college or community members, although the colleges responsible for enforcing the code with guests and community members may be limited.
- College: Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC); or any physical or virtual environment or platform being used by MHCC.
- Board: The MHCC District Board of Education.
- Code of Conduct or the code:
Refers to the community standards and expectations of all people considered students at MHCC. - Student: Includes all persons taking courses at any site of MHCC, full-time and part-time, enrolled in credit or non-credit courses. Persons who have been admitted but are not currently enrolled for a particular term, but who have a continuing relationship with the College, may be considered "students.” A person who has been admitted to MHCC and has engaged in services such as but not limited to Financial Aid, Advising or Accessible Education but has not yet enrolled in or attended classes may also be considered a “student.”
- Faculty Member: Any person employed by the College to instruct classes, credit or noncredit, full-time or part-time, and includes counselors and librarians at the College.
- College Official: Any person employed or contracted by the College performing assigned administrative or professional responsibilities.
- Complainant: Any person who reports an allegation that a student violated the College's community standards as expressed in the Code of Conduct.
- Respondent: Any student alleged to have violated the College's community standards as expressed in the Code of Conduct.
- Member of the College Community: Any person who is a student, faculty member, College official, or any other person employed by the College. The Office of Student Development will decide a person's status in a particular situation.
- College Premises: Refers to all land, buildings, facilities, vehicles, and other property in possession of, leased by, or owned, used, or controlled by the College (including adjacent streets and sidewalks as understood under the Clery Act).
- College Organization: Any number of students who have followed the formal requirements for college recognition (AR5400).
- Student Conduct Officer: The person authorized by the Officer of the Vice President of Student Development to address and resolve student care and behavioral concerns. The Student Conduct Officer handles upholding the community standards and expectations and may issue sanctions when it is found that a violation has occurred.
- Appellate Officer: Refers to the Office of the Vice President of Student Development or their designee and has the authority to consider an appeal of the Student Conduct Officer’s decision.
- Board Policy (BP): This is a written rule, approved by the Board.
- Administrative Regulations (AR’s): The written procedural guideline(s) approved by the President’s cabinet.
- Due Process: This is a fundamental principle of fairness as it pertains to the administration of the Student Code of Conduct and administrative proceedings at MHCC. Students at MHCC are entitled to due process during conduct proceedings.
- Hearing: The administrative meeting, generally one-on-one with the Student Conduct Officer, in which the student can present their perspectives and supply information about allegations of violating the code of conduct.
- Support Person: A third party invited by the student to help guide and support them during the administrative hearing. A support person is generally a parent, friend, college staff or faculty member, or attorney.
- Preponderance of the Evidence: The standard for deciding the greater weight of the evidence needed to decide in favor of one side or the other. This is commonly understood or described as “50% plus a feather” or “more likely than not.”
- Disruptive: Any behavior that is disorderly and/or negatively interrupts and/or interferes with the educational or administrative processes of the College.
- Threat: A written, verbal or physical action that causes a reasonable belief there is a danger of injury to the health or safety of any person or damage to any property.
- Sexual Misconduct: Is any conduct that meets the definition of sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking as defined by Federal Title IX or state law.
- Intimidation: An implied threat or action that causes a reasonable fear of harm in another.
- Harassment: A form of offensive treatment or behavior that creates an intimidating, hostile or abusive environment for a reasonable person. Harassment may include verbal statements, such as racial epithets, ethnic or sexual jokes, inappropriate use of sexually explicit language, and demeaning and derogatory comments. It can also include physical harassment, such as unwanted touching, physical interference with normal work or movement, or assault; visual or audio harassment, such as derogatory or sexually or racially offensive posters, degrading songs, cartoons, or drawings in any form, including written, computer generated or telephonic; and sexual harassment.
- Academic Dishonesty: Includes but is not limited to: (1) use of any unauthorized aid in doing assignments, taking quizzes, tests, or examinations; this includes any unauthorized use of Artificial Intelligence, commonly referred to as “Generative AI”, or “GenAI,” which differs from web-based search engines such as Google, Bing, or similar sites (2) dependence upon a source beyond those authorized by the instructor in drafting papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignment; or (3) the acquisition, without permission, of tests, or other academic material or the purchasing of or using another person's prepared paper or ideas without proper citation (4) buying answers or paying for services on websites such as Chegg, Course Hero, Cram, or similar services.
- Remote Site: Will include, but not be limited to: College-sponsored trips in the United States or abroad, study abroad while enrolled in a duly authorized MHCC study abroad program (students enrolled in other study abroad programs will generally be held to that organization’s Code of Conduct), and specific venues related to distance education, internship, or practicum cites.
- Virtual or Virtual Environment: Refers to the online, remote, hybrid, or internet educational space where the MHCC has an interest in presenting information for the purpose of learning, recruiting, presenting, or other means in support of the college’s mission and support of the college as a business.
The Office of Student Development handles administering this Code (policies, procedures, sanctions, and processes). Board Policy (BP) 5500 grants the authority to the President to set up the code and Administrative Rule (AR) 5520 dictates the procedures used for resolving administrative conduct violations.
The code will be reviewed by a committee every two years to ensure relevancy and reflect on best practices.
The Student Conduct Officer handles the primary investigation, administers the hearing, and decides the sanctions based on the preponderance of evidence for any alleged violation of the code.
The decision made by the Conduct Officer or designee is final, pending the appeal process outlined in the code and AR 5520.
The Office of the Vice President of Student Development per Oregon state regulations keeps all files and records of procedures under this Code.
The student code of conduct applies to student conduct behavior that occurs on the MHCC’s campus or at College-sponsored events or activities, regardless of location, including but not limited to international or domestic travel, supervised academic/work or internship sites, activities funded by the Association of Students at MHCC (ASMHCC), online learning environments, athletic events, trainings, or any other College-sanctioned social or club activities; and off campus during non-College-related or sponsored events, when the College, in its sole discretion, determines that the alleged off-campus misconduct adversely affects the college community or the pursuit of the College’s objectives.
The code of conduct applies to student conduct at all hours during each term, between terms, and during times when the student is not enrolled but has a continuing relationship with the college (for example, a student who is not enrolled for summer term but intends to return in the fall). The code will apply to students who, during a conduct investigation, choose to withdraw from the College.
All people, including those who are not students, must follow the policies and procedures of the college while attending or taking part in activities connected to the college.
At the discretion of the Student Conduct Officer, allegations of misconduct by a student or student group may be administratively settled before, concurrent with, or following any civil or criminal proceedings.
Non-compliance and Violation of Policies:
- 1.1 Not complying with laws, regulations, policies, and directives from a college official.
- 1.2 Violating published Board policies, administrative regulations, and/or procedures:
- 1.2.a Use of Drugs and controlled substances, including marijuana- AR3550
- 1.2.b Alcoholic Beverages AR3560
- 1.2.c Tobacco Free Environment AR 3570
- 1.2.d Possession, use of, or distribution of, firearms and weapons as defined in AR–3530. Possession or use of air, BB, paintball, facsimile weapons, and pellet guns. Possession, use, or distribution of explosives, including fireworks and ammunition.
- 1.3 Violating federal, state, or local laws on college premises or while in attendance at college-sponsored or supervised events on or off College premises that adversely affect the College and/or the pursuit of its goals.
- 1.4 Not following directions of college officials or law enforcement officers acting in the performance of their duties and/or refusing to show student or state identification to college officials when requested to do so.
- 1.5 Gambling on College property or engaging in unauthorized canvassing or solicitation.
- 1.6 Possessing, duplicating, or using keys or access codes to any College building, facility, or equipment without the authorization of proper College officials or committing an act of unauthorized entry into or use of college buildings, facilities, or equipment.
Threats, Intimidation, Abuse, Harassment:
- 2.1 Committing acts of physical abuse, engaging in actions that intimidate, harass, threaten, coerce, or otherwise endanger the health or safety of any person. Unwanted or offensive touching.
- 2.2 Engaging in fighting and/or behavior that is disorderly, lewd, or indecent and breach of peace.
- 2.3 Unauthorized use of electronic or any other devices to make an audio, video, or other record of any person, without their consent and/or prior knowledge, on the College premises, or displaying such items on the College property including remote sites or virtual environments. Examples include, surreptitiously taking pictures of another person in a gym, locker room, restroom, or other location in which a person may have a reasonable expectation of privacy. This also includes openly or covertly recording or trying to record any proceedings without the knowledge or consent of the parties being recorded. Entering a virtual environment, such as Zoom or other similar platforms, without permission or without being registered to attend. Simply having access information does not in and of itself constitute “permission.”
- 2.4 Aiding and abetting another person in committing an act that violates the Student Code of Conduct.
- 2.5 Engaging or taking part in acts of unauthorized possession, use, removal, defacing, tampering, damage, or destruction of college-owned, rented, or leased property, equipment, programs, or materials, or of property, equipment, programs, or materials belonging to any College community member, guest, visitor, vendor or contractor.
- 2.6 Planning, directing, or committing acts of hazing as defined in AR 5505.
Sexual Misconduct:
- This conduct may include violation of Federal law Title IX, state law, or Sexual Harassment as defined under AR 3434 and AR 3540 has more information and definitions about what constitutes sexual harassment and/or sexual misconduct.
- A student will only be charged with Title IX violations after the Title IX Coordinator or designee has conducted a thorough investigation into allegations of misconduct and found that the allegations are more likely than not to have merit. At the sole discretion of the College, sexual misconduct may be investigated or addressed through this code.
- 3.1 Stalking: Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his/her/their safety or the safety of others or suffer substantial emotional distress.
- 3.2 Dating violence: Violence against a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. The existence of a relationship will be based on a consideration of the following factors: the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.
- 3.3 Domestic Violence: Violence committed:
- 3.3.a By a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim;
- 3.3.b By a person with whom the victim shares a child in common;
- 3.3.c By a person who is cohabitating with, or has cohabitated with, the victim as a spouse or intimate partner;
- 3.3.d By a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of Oregon;
- 3.3.e By any other person against an adult or youth victim protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of Oregon.
- Retaliating, or trying to retaliate, against any individual for exercising one’s rights or reporting, supplying information, or otherwise being involved in responding to, investigating, or addressing allegations or violations of federal, state, or local law, or College policy, including, but not limited to, the provisions of this Code.
Disruptive Behavior:
- 5.1 Disrupting or obstructing teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, other College activities, including its public-service function on or off campus, or other authorized non-college activities, when the act occurs on college premises.
- 5.2 Making false reports of fire, bomb threat, or other dangerous conditions; not reporting a fire; or interfering with the response of college or municipal offices to emergency calls.
- 5.3 Making false reports for retaliation, harassment, or to avoid college administrative actions.
- 5.4 Participating in a demonstration or gathering that disrupts the normal operation of the College and infringes on the rights of other members of the College community; leading or inciting others to disrupt scheduled and/or normal activities within any campus building or area, intentional obstruction which unreasonably interferes with freedom of movement, either pedestrian or vehicular, on campus. This would also include rioting.
- 5.5 Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on college premises or at college-sponsored or supervised functions.
- 5.6 Animals, other than approved services animals as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act
- 5.7 Being excessively rude and/or using demeaning, harassing, offensive, or foul language when addressing a faculty, a staff member, or a fellow student.
Acts of Dishonesty:
- 6.1 Engaging or taking part in cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty.
- 6.2 Giving false information to any College official, faculty member or College office.
- 6.3 Forging, altering, or misusing a college document, record, or instrument of identification.
- 6.4 Tampering with the election of any College-recognized student organization.
- 6.5 Attempting to represent the College, any recognized student organization, or any official College group without the prior consent of that group's officials.
Acts of Theft or Abuse of Computers or Other Technology:
- 7.1 Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read, or change its contents.
- 7.2 Unauthorized transfer or copying of a file or software.
- 7.3 Unauthorized use of another person's identification and password.
- 7.4 Use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member, or College official.
- 7.5 Use of computing or other technological facilities to send obscene, defamatory or harassing messages or use of college computing facilities for activities not within the scope of the College's instructional goals.
- 7.6 Use of computing or other technological facilities to interfere with the normal operation of the College computing system.
- 7.7 Unauthorized installation of software on college equipment.
- 7.8 Tampering with College computer hardware.
- 7.9 Any attempt to gain access to a computer or network, on campus or off campus, without authorization (i.e., hacking).
- 7.10 Use of computing facilities to conduct personal business activities or illegal activities.
Acts of Abuse of the College Judicial and Complaint System:
- 8.1 Falsifying or misrepresenting information before a College Student Conduct Officer.
- 8.2 Disrupting or interfering with the orderly conduct of a college judicial proceeding.
- 8.3 Instituting a college conduct complaint knowingly without cause.
- 8.4 Attempting to discourage an individual's proper participation, or use of, the College judicial system.
- 8.5 Attempting to influence the impartiality of a Student Conduct Officer or member of the Committee on Student Conduct prior to, during, and/or after a judicial proceeding.
- 8.6 Harassing (verbal or physical) and/or intimidating a Student Conduct Officer or member of the Committee on Student Conduct prior to, during, and/or after a college conduct proceeding.
- 8.7 Not following the sanction(s) imposed under the Student Code of Conduct.
- 8.8 Influencing or trying to influence another person to commit an abuse of the College Conduct or complaint system.
- 8.9 Any act against the best interests of the College community.
Acts of Theft or Damage of Physical Property:
- 9.1 Taking, or the attempted taking, of property that belongs to another person or entity without permission and with the intent of not returning it.
- 9.2 Not returning, or inappropriately disposing of college property such as library books, loaner laptops, or other items loaned out on a limited basis.
- 9.3 Having no authority to do so, damaging or destroying the property of another person or entity.
Academic Misconduct
As an institution of higher learning, MHCC strives to instill ethical values into all students. Those values include presenting honest academic work. Presenting work that is not one’s own, or cheating to gain an unfair advantage is not only unethical, and a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, it may be illegal under Oregon Revised Statute 165.114. This policy describes what constitutes academic dishonesty and the procedure for resolving work considered in violation of this policy, the Student Code of Conduct and the law.
Defining Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty means presenting work or ideas that are not one’s own or knowingly copying or buying another’s work and presenting it as one’s own, or using artificial intelligence platforms, such as AI or ChatGPT, cheating services such as Chegg, Course Hero or similar entities, to fabricate material or solve problems.
Forms of Academic Dishonestly include:
- Plagiarism: the use of another's words, ideas, data, or product without proper acknowledgment, such as copying another's work, presenting someone else's opinions and theories as one's own, or working jointly on a project and then presenting it as one's own.
- Cheating: the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, or study aids; or an act of deceit by which a student attempts to misrepresent academic skills or knowledge; unauthorized copying or collaboration.
- Fabrication: intentional misrepresentation or invention of any information, such as falsifying research, inventing or exaggerating data, or listing incorrect or fictitious references.
- Collusion: helping another to commit an act of academic dishonesty, such as paying or bribing someone to get a test or assignment, taking a test or doing an assignment for someone else, or allowing someone to do these things for one's own benefit.
- Academic Misconduct: the intentional violation of college policies, such as tampering with grades, misrepresenting one's identity, or taking part in obtaining or distributing any part of a test or any information about the test.
Resolving Academic Dishonesty
The instructor and/or the Division Dean will handle all first known acts of Academic Dishonesty within the Academic Division. MHCC believes that academic dishonesty infractions are an opportunity for growth and learning. Therefore, initial interventions are aimed at increasing a student’s chances for success while avoiding added violations. However, students with more than one academic dishonesty violation will be referred to the Dean of Student Development office for potential further action. To find if this is a first violation, the faculty member will send a report of concern to the Conduct Administrator or designee, who will review the report and determine if there have been any earlier reports of similar behavior.
The faculty member, seeing or investigating the plain act of academic dishonesty, documents the commission of the act, by writing down the time, date, place, and a description of the act.
The faculty member gathers evidence, such as photocopying the plagiarized assignment, copying the web page the information was taken from, and creating a paper trail of all that occurs after the alleged act of academic dishonesty is found. If possible, the evidence should include various samples of the student's work showing a disparity in style or ability.
The faculty member will make every effort to discuss the issue with the student before any action is taken. Additionally, the faculty member will send a Report of Concern form to help determine if this is an isolated incident or a pattern of behavior.
Once it has been decided, through either direct eyewitness of the academic dishonesty violation, or through investigation, and it is found that this is the first known incident, and after the student is given a chance to respond to the allegation that an act of academic dishonesty was committed, the instructor may take one or a combination of the following actions:
- No action based on the explanation of the student.
- Verbal or written warning.
- A grade of "F" or "NP" for the assignment, project, or examination.
- An opportunity to re-do the assignment, project or exam for reduced points or credit.
The faculty member may impose the following penalty only after a hearing conducted by the division dean:
- A grade of "F" or "NP" for the course, overriding a student withdrawal from the course.
The Office of Student Development may take more action if it is decided that the student has an earlier history of academic dishonesty. According to the Student Code of Conduct, the following sanctions or combination of sanctions may be imposed on a student found in violation of the Code.
- Disciplinary admonition and warning.
- Disciplinary probation with or without the loss of privileges for a definite period.
- Educational Sanction or other sanction as decided appropriate
- Suspension from MHCC for a definite period.
- Expulsion from MHCC
If the accused student contests the faculty member's decision, a hearing with the division dean may be requested in writing to the division dean within 10 calendar days from the time the student is notified of the faculty member's decision. A hearing requested by a student under this section is informally conducted by the division dean, who may take steps they think proper to resolve the conflict.
Within 10 working days of receiving an Academic Dishonesty appeal, the division dean notifies all parties in writing of the date, time, and location of the hearing. At the hearing, the faculty member and division dean present charges and allow the student to present their side of the case. The student may bring an advisor, who may advise the student but not present the case. If the student misses the hearing, the faculty member and division dean may complete the process. The division dean will consider any evidence given within seven working days of the hearing, and interview people as called for. The division dean decides if the action recommended by the faculty member is proper. The Division Deans decision is final.
If the student is referred to the Office of Student Development for more action, the procedures and processes of the current Student Code of Conduct shall apply.
Temporary removal from Class(es) or Other College Activities or Athletic Program (AR 5520/7040-A).
If a student is engaging in disruptive behavior, a course instructor may temporarily restrict a student's participation in class or temporarily block access to the digital learning management system. Before allowing the student to return to class, the instructor, and/or division dean will clarify with the student the behavioral standards that must be met to continue in the class. This clarification will occur as expeditiously as possible, preferably before the next class session or equivalent.
Likewise, the Conduct administrator, designee, or any college official may temporarily remove a student from a class or other college activity and/or athletic program to protect the environment while an investigation into alleged behaviors and/or violations is conducted. For classes, the student will be given every opportunity to remain current in the class material and to make up any assignments, quizzes, or tests missed due to their temporary absence as applicable. If possible, the student may be moved to an equivalent online or independent study section/version of the class.
Interim Suspension
If the college reasonably believes that a student poses a threat to themselves or others, the college may temporarily remove the student from the campus pending the outcome of any investigation or other interventions. If possible, efforts will be made to ensure the student is able to remotely continue in their education pending the outcome of the investigations.
Procedures for Code of Conduct Hearing(s) and Investigations
Students alleged to have violated the code, where possible, will receive a written notice of the allegation. Notification shall be sent to the students' address of record and their college email address. Not checking student email or keeping the college appraised of their address will not be considered an affirmative defense for not taking part or knowing an allegation was made.
All Student Conduct hearings, whether on a virtual platform, like Zoom or a similar product, or in person, will be recorded to preserve a verbatim record. Students may request copies of the recording for their records. The College may choose to impose a processing fee.
Students will have the chance to take part in the conduct process by attending the hearing in person, or by a virtual platform like Zoom or similar product.
The student is encouraged to take part in the conduct process. However, should the student choose not to take part, the Student Conduct Officer may still decide the matter in the student's absence. Failure to cooperate, or self-withdrawal from the college, will not stop the process or prevent the outcome of the matter.
At the hearing, the student will be allowed an opportunity to review the allegations, share their perspective on the matter, supply supporting documentation, and respond to the allegations overall. After the hearing, students will be given fourteen (14) calendar days, not including the day the first hearing took place, to respond to and present information about the allegations. Responses may include written statements, in-person meetings, documents, emails, pictures, or recordings. If the student wishes, they may decline the fourteen (14) day window to present additional information outright or request a shorter period to move the process forward faster. These requests will be documented in writing.
If no information is received within the fourteen (14) calendar days, or if the student waives the fourteen (14) days, the Student Conduct Officer will make a formal decision on the matter and notify the student in writing of the outcome. The outcome notification will be sent to the students address of record and student email account.
If the student brings forward information or documentation to be considered in the matter, a second meeting may be scheduled to discuss and review that information, or the Student Conduct Officer may independently review the information presented. After the information is reviewed and considered, the Student Conduct Officer will decide the outcome and notify the student in writing to their address of record and their student email account.
The College or student may seek legal advice at the parties' own expense. The student may consult with their support person, including an attorney, during the hearing, but the support person may not take part in the meeting, including speaking on the student's behalf. The student must notify the college within forty-eight (48) hours prior to the hearing if their support person will be an attorney. 48 hours is understood to mean about two business days.
The Student Conduct Officer may gather information at any time in the process, such as conducting interviews and reviewing documents. The Student Conduct Officer may need to meet with the student about information gathered after the first Administrative Hearing. All efforts will be made to complete the student conduct process within seven (7) business days after the fourteen calendar days, and any final hearing opportunities allowed to the student. If the student waives the fourteen (14) day period, the Conduct Officer will make all efforts to resolve the case within seven (7) working days from the last administrative hearing date.
Decisions are based on the preponderance of the evidence.
The decision of the Student Conduct Officer is final unless an appeal is filed within the time allowed.
Nothing in this Code shall prevent or restrict more actions in any College department, educational program, or activity related to academic, professional, or similar standards specific to the department, program, or activity.
Sanctions may be imposed upon any student, student organization, or student group found to handle violating the Code, college policies or administrative regulations.
More than one sanction may be imposed for a single violation.
Expulsion will become a part of the student's disciplinary record and permanent academic record.
All other sanctions will become part of the student's disciplinary record but may not be a part of the student's permanent academic record.
Sanctions, including, but not limited to, the following, are intended to be educational, and developmental in nature:
Administrative Removal from a Class: The student will be removed from a specific class but be allowed to continue all other courses, unless otherwise restricted. The student handles any tuition and fees associated with the administrative withdrawal process.
Community Service: The student must supply a designated number of hours of service to a designated entity.
Educational Sanctions: The student must complete tasks such as assignments, interviews, reflection papers, educational meetings, or other educational activities.
Expulsion: The permanent separation of the student from the College. This means that the student may not, at any time in the future: enroll in the College; be a member of any student club or organization; or register for, or take part in, any program, activity, or event sponsored or organized, in whole or in part, by the College. The student is trespassed from college premises, which means the student may never again be present on college owned or controlled property or access the virtual learning environment. The students' rights and privileges as an enrolled student at the College are at once revoked. The student will handle any tuition and fees associated with the administrative withdrawal process, including any financial aid status implications.
Loss of Privileges: The student is denied specified privileges of being a student for a designated time.
No Contact Directive: The student is prohibited from contacting a specified person(s) related to the Code violation. This includes contact started through any means (including personal, electronic, and telephonic) and any third parties on the student’s behalf or request. This restriction applies both on and off campus. Failure to abide by this sanction will result in further disciplinary action.
Probation: For a specified time, any other code violations by the student will result in progressive disciplinary action. During probation, the student is not considered in good disciplinary standing. Once the probation period ends and other sanctions imposed (if any) are finished, the disciplinary probation will be lifted.
Restitution: For violations involving damage to, destruction of, or theft of property, the Responding Party may have to make monetary restitution and/or return any stolen or misappropriated property in an amount not to exceed the actual expenses, damages, or losses incurred.
Suspension: The temporary separation of the student from the College for a specific period.
During the suspension period, the student is not eligible for the privileges and services supplied to enrolled students, including registering, attending class, or accessing the virtual learning environment.
The student may be trespassed from the College, including from all College owned or controlled property, services, and facilities.
The student will handle any tuition and fees associated with the administrative withdrawal process including any financial aid status implications.
Suspension periods are indefinite. However, after a specific period, as noted in the outcome notice, the party will be allowed to send a written request for re-enrollment. The written request must be addressed to the Conduct Officer and should include information and/or documentation explaining:
Why the party should be allowed to reenroll, and
What actions has the party taken (if any) to address the concerns that lead to the suspension.
Re-enrollment after suspension is not guaranteed. If the party is not re-enrolled, they may make another request for re-enrollment one year, and any added years, after their first request was denied.
Registration Hold. Students who do not complete assigned sanctions within the time supplied may be prevented from registering for classes until completion of those sanctions. Registration holds may also be applied to create an opportunity for the student to connect with the Conduct Officer or Care representative.
Warning. Written notice that the student has been found responsible for violating the code. More code violations may result in progressive disciplinary action. A warning does not affect the students’ disciplinary standing.
- Appeals must be sent in writing through the link given to the student in the outcome letter and/or found in the Conduct Appeal section of the College’s webpage.
- Appeals must be made within five (5) calendar days, not including the day the letter was delivered to the address of record as verified through USPS tracking or opened via email as verified by the student conduct database.
- The appeal must say the specific grounds for the appeal. Dissatisfaction with the decision is not grounds for appeal. Grounds for appeal are limited to:
- Demonstrating that the Administrative Hearing deviated from the procedures outlined in the Code; however, deviation from these procedures shall not invalidate a decision or result in any other remedy unless it materially affected the Student Conduct Officer's decision.
- Demonstrating that the imposed sanction(s) was inappropriate for the Code violation.
- Considering directly relevant information not known to the Conduct Officer, and not known to the student at the time of the hearing.
- The Appellate Officer will review all appeal requests, together with any other relevant information. This may include reviewing the verbatim hearing record, speaking with the Student Conduct Officer, and/or interviewing the respondent.
- An appeal may be denied, if at face value and based on the judgment of the Appellate Officer, the appeal does not meet any of the listed criteria for an appeal.
- If the Appellate Officer finds that the appeal is valid, the Appellate Officer may take one or a combination of the following actions:
- Refer the case to the original Conduct Administrator for reconsideration or more proceedings if the Appellate Officer finds that new information supplied is directly relevant and may alter the original findings.
- Deny the appeal. In this case, the original decision of the hearing, including any sanctions imposed, is affirmed.
- Grant the appeal. In this case, the Appellate Officer may make a new decision, including amending the findings and/or sanctions of the original decision.
- The decision to grant or deny the appeal will be based on the preponderance of the evidence.
- The decision of the Appellate Officer is final.
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