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Release of Information per FERPA Guidelines

MHCC students have rights regarding their official records, with some exceptions. They can review most of their records. They cannot review confidential financial information provided by parents or guardians, or medical and psychiatric records used for treatment. To access these records, students need to show a picture ID. These rights are protected by a law called FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act). FERPA is a federal law that controls who can see student records.

MHCC must provide records within a reasonable amount of time after receiving a request. 45 days is the maximum time allowed. If students believe that their records are wrong or have information that violates their privacy, they can challenge it. A record custodian helps with this. If the issue isn't resolved with the record custodian, the dean of student development and services can hold a hearing.

What Type of Information is Disclosed?

Certain information, such as enrollment status, certificates or degrees earned, and a student's name, is considered directory information and can be disclosed upon a verbal request. However, if a student doesn't want this information to be released, they can request an exemption through the admissions and records office.

All student records are confidential. They can only be accessed by MHCC employees with a legitimate educational need to know. Additional information can be released with a written request. This includes enrollment dates, degrees earned, honors received, major field of study, graduation date, and the most recent educational institution attended.

Student addresses and phone numbers can be provided to help the college collect debts. In some cases, specific student information can be disclosed to authorities. This requires authorization by federal or state laws or legislative guidelines. The professional audit firm chosen by the MHCC District Board of Education can also access that information in some cases.

Records related to academic achievements, tests, tuition, and fees are permanent records of the college. These are not student records. Health treatment or examination records are kept in the health services office. These are usually not open for inspection, except for necessary medical services.

Get Help with Information Requests

For help with student records, email the admissions, records, and registration office or call 503-491-7393. You can also visit the student services hub for in-person assistance with general questions. 

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