Computer Skills Tutoring
Tutors in the Mt. Hood Community College 1451 Computer Lab help with student computer support. We can assist you with passwords, MyMHCC login, Blackboard, Zoom, online textbooks, Microsoft Office, and laptop or desktop support. We even have tutors for cybersecurity and programming classes. We’re available in-person, through email, or online by appointment at the hours below.
In-Person Computer Skills Help: Hours and Location
Come visit us in the AC1451 Lab for computer help, to use a computer, or to study. In person Computer Tutors are available during our Winter term open hours (January 6 - March 20).
- Monday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Friday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Additional tutoring Monday through Sunday , through eTutoring service.
Winter 1451 Lab Closures
- Monday, January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. day
Technical Help or Online Computer Skills Help
For technical help email [email protected] (even during breaks between terms) or call us at 503-491-7208. We’ll answer during business hours, or you can leave us a message.
For Computer Tutor sessions we can normally find a time to meet in Zoom during our open hours. Please call or email to schedule an online tutoring appointment session via Zoom during our normal open hours.
In your email, please include your name, six-digit MHCC ID, and a description of what you’d like to discuss. We’ll do our best to meet as soon as possible.
Do You Have a Quick Computer Question?
We can resolve some issues via email or over the phone. Depending on the request, we might still need to discuss over Zoom. Either way, we’ll normally return all emails within one working day. You can also fill out this form to request assistance.
Are you a self-learner?
We want to help you however you learn best!
View our technology support resources
You can also review these online resources for common technology issues:
- How to install Microsoft Office for free
- How to install Outlook and other apps on a mobile device
- How to set up and access your free MHCC Saints email account
Available Technology Resources
Did you know you can borrow laptops and Wi-Fi hotspots? If you need technology resources to participate in your classes, then you may be eligible for internet accessibility resources such as:
- Loaner laptops
- Wi-Fi hotspots
- Discounted internet
- Money to help you pay your internet bill
To request a loaner laptop or other assistance with technology you need for classes, complete the form linked below. Email questions to Student Basic Needs Specialist Claudia Reinozo.