Financial Responsibilities
What you need to do with your money when you're in college.
Here are the things you should remember:
- You need to follow the rules and be honest with your money.
- When you sign up for a class, you must pay for it, even if you don't go to the class.
- If you want to drop a class and get your money back, you must do it by a certain time.
- You must pay your bill by a certain time, even if you didn't get a bill in the mail. You also must make sure your address is correct.
- If you have a problem with your bill, you can let us know, and we will try to fix it.
- You must pay extra fees if you don't pay your bill on time, and if we must use a collection agency or lawyer to get payment, you will have to pay those fees too.
- Even if you’re not 18 years old yet, under Oregon Revised Statutes 348.105, you still must pay for every class you sign up for.
Tuition and Fees
MHCC is here to help you understand and pay your tuition and fees.