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Use of Your Social Security Number

How We Use Your Social Security Number

OAR 589-004-0400 allows us to ask you for your Social Security number. Your number will be used for records, research, reporting, billing, and collecting debts. Your number will also be given to the Oregon Community College Unified Reporting System. This group is made up of all community colleges in Oregon, the State Office of Community College Services, and the Oregon Community College Association. They gather information about students and programs to meet state and federal reporting rules. It also helps us plan and create programs. We use it to support your progress and success in your goals. When we do a study, we will use your Social Security number only in a way that keeps it private from all but our people (or those doing the study for us). By giving us your Social Security number, you agree to the uses noted below. Giving us your Social Security number is all up to you. If you choose not to, you will keep all rights given by law. You may change your mind at any time about the use of your Social Security number and let the admissions and records office know if you change your mind.

We may use your number to connect with other sources below:

  • State and private universities, colleges, and vocational schools, to find out how many students go on with their education and to find out whether our courses are a good basis for further education.
  • Help state and local agencies plan education and training services to help Oregon citizens get the best jobs.
  • The Oregon Department of Education to provide reports to local, state, and federal governments. The data is used to learn about education, training, and job market trends for planning, research, and better programs.
  • The Workers Compensation Division, to track injured workers training success.
  • The Oregon Department of Revenue and collection agencies only for purposes of debt capture and only if we extend credit to you.
  • The National Student Clearinghouse for student financial aid processing and/or research on transfer.
  • The IRS, to provide information for your 1098-T tax form.

Also, we may release your Social Security number to business firms under contract with the college for research, planning, and better programs. In these cases, strict privacy is part of our research contracts. Your number will be used only for the purposes listed above. State and federal law protects the privacy of your records.

Tuition and Fees
MHCC is here to help you understand and pay your tuition and fees.